View Business Rules and Member Formulas
Business Rules
A business rule is a VB.Net class that performs a function or set of functions in OneStream. Each business rule is an independent object encapsulating VB.Net code. Business rules are created using the Business Rule Editor in Application Tools. Any business rule created in OneStream can be viewed in the Business Rule Viewer.
See also:
The Business Rules section in the Foundation Guides chapter of the Design and Reference Guide for information on business rule fundamentals, organization, framework, and other details.
The Business Rules section in the Application Tools chapter of the Design and Reference Guide for details on using OneStream to design Business Rules.
The OneStream API Overview Guide, OneStream API Details, and database documentation from MarketPlace for business rule engine details.
Member Formulas
A member formula is assigned to a dimension members and runs in the Finance Engine during cube processing.
Member formulas are created directly on a member in the Dimension Library or with the Administration Solution Tools Member Formula Builder. Member formulas created in the Formula Editor in the Dimension Library must be edited in the Dimension Library.
See also:
The Member Formulas section of the Foundation Guides chapter of the Design and Reference Guide for information on Member Formula fundamentals and using OneStream to design Member Formulas.
Select a Business Rule or Member Formula to View
The Business Rule Viewer lets you view business rules or member formulas side-by-side. It's most useful for viewing two versions of the same business rule, member formula, or similar rules or formulas.
Use the drop-down lists in the Business Rule Viewer's Business Rules and Member Formulas pages to select the rules or formulas to view. The drop-downs lists are filters to help organize and quickly search. Selecting a value in a drop-down list filter determines the available values in the next drop-down list. For example, if you are searching for a member formula to view and select Flow as the dimension type, only the dimensions belonging to Flow display in the Dimensions drop-down lists.
The following shows the Business Rule Viewer drop-down list boxes for business rules and member formulas.
The left and right areas are connected, so when you select a value on the left, the Business Rule Viewer automatically populates the same field on the right with the same value.
See also: Connected and Disconnected Viewing Panes for more information on how the viewing area works.
When you select a value for Modified Date (UTC) on the left, the Business Rule Viewer displays the rule or formula you want to view in the left textbox. It also selects and displays the next most recent version (if one exists) in the right text box. If the next most recent version of the rule of formula shows as deleted, the next most recent version displays on the right. The Business Rule Viewer assumes that you want to view a selected rule's most recent version and the next most recent version in the side-by-side viewing areas.
NOTE: If a business rule or member formula does not have an earlier version, No previous business rule to display is dipslayed in the viewing area.
Connected and Disconnected Viewing Panes
When you select a business rule or formula to view, the left side shows the selected version and the right side shows the next most recent version. The views are connected, so the left and right side scroll together.
If you change a drop-down list value on either side, the sides are no longer connected and work independently. When the left and right sides are disconnected, you can use the filters independently to view different business rules or member formulas.
NOTE: The sides scroll together even when viewing different business rules or formulas.
The following image shows different business rules displayed in the left and right views of the Business Rule Viewer.
Click Reset Filters to reconnect the left and right views. This clears the drop-down filters on both sides, initiating the connection of the left and right views.
View a Business Rule
In the Business Rule Type drop-down list to the left, select the type of the business rule to view.
In the left Business Rule drop-down, select the business rule to view. Only rules belonging to the specified rule type display..
In Modified Date (UTC), select the version of the business rule to view.
NOTE: Business rules that are encrypted include the text (encrypted) in the Modified Date (UTC) value. Encrypted business rules do not display in the Business Rule Viewer. When you select an encrypted business rule, the text Selected business rule is encrypted displays in the viewing area.
See also: Business Rule Encryption (Decryption) in the Application Tools section of the Design and Reference Guide for more information.
In the following example, the most recent version of the AST_SolutionHelperBRV business Rrle displays on the left, with the next most recent version of the same rule on the right.
The left and right sides are connected and scroll together, making it easy to view them.
View Business Rule XML
By default, business rules do not show the XML code at the beginning and end of the rule. You can display the XML code for selected rules by clicking Show XML in the desired view. The Business Rule Viewer keeps the displayed rules connected if you show the XML code.
Access the Business Rule Source
When viewing business rules, you may want to make edits to the rule itself. To do this, click Show Business Rule Page . The Business Rule page displays in a separate tab. Use CTRL + A to highlight the rule to copy and paste, then navigate to the business rule you want to edit.
See also: Business Rules in the Application Tools chapter of the Design and Reference Guide.
View a Member Formula
Use the Member Formula viewer to view all member formulas.
To view a formula in the Member Formula Viewer, filter using the drop-down list to the left find formulas.
IMPORTANT: You can only access the Member Formula Viewer from the Business Rule Viewer.
To access the Member Formula Viewer click Show Member Formula Viewer Page
In Dimension Type, make selections from these options for the member formula you want to view:
Dimension Type: Select the dimension type for the member whose member formula you want to view.
Dimension Types are used to group dimensions and includes User-Defined dimensions. Only Dimension Types used display in the list.
- Dimension: Select the Dimension containing the member whose formula you want to view. Only dimensions belonging to the specified Dimension Type display in the list.
- Member: Select the member of the Member Formula you want to view.
- Scenario Type: Select the Scenario Type associated with the member formula you want to view. Select Default Scenario if the Member Formula applies to all scenario types. A scenario type can contain multiple scenarios.
- Time: This list contains the Time Profile for the selected Scenario Type. Select the Time for the Scenario Type containing the Member Formula you want to view.
- Modified Date (UTC): Select the version of the Member Formula you want to view.
The left and right sides are still connected, so the left and right sides scroll together, making it easy to compare them.
Access the Member Formula Source
When viewing member information, you can edit the member formula.
You can access the Dimension Library while working in the Member Formula Viewer. Copy the text using CTRL + A then click the Show Dimension Library Page button. The Dimension Library displays in a separate tab, and displays the most recently accessed member properties. In the Members tab of the Dimension Library, navigate to the member formula to edit.
See Also: Member Formulas in the Foundation Guides chapter of the Design and Reference Guide.
View a Single Business Rule or Member Formula
The text box sizes for the side-by-side view in the Business Rule viewer may cause lines in a business rule or formula to display on two or more lines, making it difficult to read. Click Show Fullscreen to resolve this issue.
Toggling between Fullscreen view and the standard view does not disconnect the left and right side filter values. For example, if you reset the filter values and then switch back to the standard view, the left and right sides scroll together.
Copy a Business Rule or Member Formula
You can copy any text in the left or right view. This is useful when you want to edit or replace a business rule or member formula. Select the text, and then CTRL+C to copy. To select the entire rule use CTRL+A.
Viewing Business Rule and Member Formula Change Histories
Use the Business Rule Viewer - Historical Viewer to determine when business rule or formulas were updated. From the Business Rule Viewer, click Show History Page to display the viewer and access the change histories. |
Clicking the Show History Page icon while viewing business rules displays the Business Rule history. Click Show History Page while viewing formulas to display their history. Historical data displays in a grid, allowing you to group records using the grid capabilities.
From View, select Business Rules or Member Formulas.
In the Date Range field, select the number of days from today to display historical records. For example, to display the last 30 days of changes, select 30 from the list.
TIP: The records listed in the grid change based on your selections.
- To view a business rule or member formula, select it in the grid and click the View button. This lets you access details in the appropriate viewer.